Our Story
The Graduate Program in Adult Health Nursing (PROESA) of the School of Nursing of the University of Sao Paulo was developed from the union of the “Basics of Nursing” and “Health Nursing of the Institutionalized Adult” Concentration Areas, formerly part of Program of Post-Graduation in Nursing of the School of Nursing of the University of Sao Paulo (EEUSP). PROESA aims at developing studies on advanced models and practices of care in nursing.
The PROESA Programs to obtain Master’s and Doctor’s Degrees are highly recommended by the National Education Agency (CAPES)recommended and recognized by CAPES, with grade 7.
The mission of PROESA is to prepare highly human resources in research at the levels of Master’s Degree (M.Sc.), Doctor’s Degree (Ph.D.) and Post-Doctorate Degree (Post-Doc) through the professional qualification of nurses and other healthcare professionals for the processes of knowledge production, continuing education and training in advanced technologies regarding the patient care. The scope of the PROESA is to integrate the knowledge of the Nursing Sciences to other areas. It is expected the profile of candidates includes purposes of advanced research, education and advanced care within the legal and ethical scope of the profession. atualização científica e de aperfeiçoamento em tecnologias do cuidar, no âmbito da Enfermagem na Saúde do Adulto, integrando conhecimentos da ciência de enfermagem aos de outras disciplinas. Como perfil dos egressos espera-se que sejam capazes de impulsionar a pesquisa, a educação e o cuidado em práticas clínicas avançadas, dentro do escopo legal e ético da profissão.
• To produce evidence-based knowledge, respecting related ethical issues.
• To develop behaviors and attitudes towards continuous scientific and technological care update.
• To demonstrate reflection skills and educational interventions connected to the University-level of nursing teaching.
PROESA’s courses has as a main objectives to make our students able to:
– access the sources of knowledge incorporating the methods of search for the best scientific evidence, to subsidize decision making in the existential, educational, and research practice in Nursing in Adult Health;
– systematize the search for knowledge and analyze the scientific advances on the object of study;
– identify the state of the art, the gaps, and trends of knowledge in the area;
– to delimit the research problems
– analyze the scientific method and the ethical aspects of the studies;
– critically interpret research designs and results;
– supervising undergraduate students in scientific initiation (CI) and in the course completion works (TCC) accompanied by their supervisor;
– identifying learning needs and contributing to the implementation of teaching programs in the area.
– identify Health and Nursing problems and define research priorities in the country;
– plan research designs consistent with the proposed objectives;
– analyze the impact of research in related areas and in society;
– manage research projects in relation to the phenomenon of study;
– analyze the relations between science, university and society;
– articulate the researches developed in nursing and care in Adult Health to the ones developed in other areas;
– demonstrate the acquisition of multiple perspectives of knowledge, integrating what exists in the area of Nursing in Adult Health to different areas of knowledge;
– supervise undergraduate students in IC and TCC, tutor students’ research in specialization courses and follow their supervisor in master’s degree orientations;
– demonstrate ability to work in research groups, seek funding for scientific research and perform internationalization activities.
Every single ME objective should be attended to DO’s students, as it the last objective, the job should be started at ME.