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The ICoNS Summer School 2025

The ICoNS Summer School will be organized at School of Nursing – University of Sao Paulo from June 25th to July 1st, 2025


To support a new generation of global nursing researchers through collaborative doctoral education and cultural exchange.


General Objective 

To develop a long term, sustainable collaboration of scholars, researchers, and students by providing an international platafform to share innovative and effective ways to conduct research in nursing, care giving, and health promotion from across a range of nursing practice contexts.


The summer school is arranged around five major themes: 

  • Theoretical framework of research
  • Methodological framework of research
  • Ethical issues in health sciences research
  • Scientific writing
  • International networking in research


The Summer School is target towards PhD candidates from one of the Universities* participating in the ICoNS Summer School Programme, at an early or middle stage of doctoral studies in nursing science and able to understand and speak English to a doctoral scientific standard.

Students prepare and abstract of the PhD research proposal and a short paper on each topic prior to the course. These will be discussed in seminars throughout the week.

The Summer School is free of charge, but travelling and accommodation are self-funded.


*Participants Universities:

  • University of Sao Paulo, Brazil;
  • University of Turku, Finland;
  • University of Sydney, Australia;
  • Northwestern University; The Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA
  • University of Vilnius, Lithuania;
  • University of Lleida, Spain; Central South University, China;
  • University of Peloponnese, Greece.


» ICoNS Preliminary Programme 2025


Coordinators ICoNS 2025: Marina Salvetti (mgsalvetti@usp.br) and Lislaine Fracolli (lislaine@usp.br)

Prof. Dr. Antônio Fernandes Costa Lima – 29/05/2023 a 26/05/2025

Prof. Dr. Divane de Vargas – 29/05/2023 a 26/05/2025

Representantes do Departamento ENC
Prof.ª Dr.ª Angela Maria Geraldo Pierin (Titular) 11/09/2023 a 10/09/2026
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria de Fatima Fernandes Vattimo (Suplente) 11/09/2023 a 10/09/2026

Representantes do Departamento ENO
Prof.ª Dr.ª Patricia Campos Pavan Baptista (Titular) 11/09/2023 a 10/09/2026
Prof.ª Dr.ª Valéria Marli Leonello (Suplente) 11/09/2023 a 10/09/2026

Representantes do Departamento ENP
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maiara Rodrigues dos Santos (Titular) – 07/02/2022 a 06/02/2025
Prof.ª Dr.ª Caroline Figueira Pereira (Suplente) – 07/02/2022 a 06/02/2025

Representantes do Departamento ENS
Prof.ª Dr.ª Suely Itsuko Ciosak (Titular) 11/09/2023 a 10/09/2026
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Almeida Pina de Oliveira (Suplente) 11/09/2023 a 10/09/2026

Representantes da Congregação (5º Membro)
Prof.ª Dr.ª Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini (Titular) – 15/10/2021 a 14/10/2024
Prof.ª Dr.ª Maria Amélia de Campos Oliveira (Suplente) – 15/10/2021 a 14/10/2024

Representante Discente
Thamires de Oliveira Rocha (Titular) – 06/02/2023 a 05/02/2024
Jéssica Garcia (Suplente) – 06/02/2023 a 05/02/2024

– mandato dos membros: 3 anos – permitida a recondução
– mandato dos Representantes Discentes da Pós-Graduação: 1 ano